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Cryptocurrency Taxation In Germany A Comprehensive Guide

Cryptocurrency Taxation in Germany: A Comprehensive Guide


In Germany, cryptocurrencies are considered "other economic goods", and their sale is treated as a private disposal transaction. Profits from cryptocurrency transactions are subject to taxation, depending on the holding period and the type of income.

Short-Term Capital Gains

Short-term capital gains from cryptocurrencies held for less than one year are taxed as regular income. This includes any profits from trading or selling cryptocurrencies.

Long-Term Capital Gains

Long-term capital gains from cryptocurrencies held for more than one year are not subject to taxation in Germany. However, this exemption applies only to private individuals, not businesses.

Other Crypto Income

Additional income from cryptocurrency activities, such as mining or staking, is also subject to regular income tax. This includes any rewards or interest earned from these activities.

Tax Brackets

The income tax brackets for 2022 in Germany are as follows:

  • 0% up to €9,984
  • 14% from €9,985 to €58,597
  • 23% from €58,598 to €277,825
  • 42% from €277,826 to €563,001
  • 45% above €563,001

Your tax bracket will depend on your total income, including crypto-related income.


Understanding how cryptocurrencies are taxed in Germany is essential for complying with tax regulations and avoiding penalties. By following the guidelines outlined above, individuals and businesses can ensure that they are meeting their tax obligations while maximizing their crypto investments.
