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Cicadas To Swarm Illinois In 2024

Cicadas to Swarm Illinois in 2024

Brood Emergence Expected to Bring Record Numbers

Thousands of Cicadas to Blanket the State

Chicago, IL - May 8, 2024 - Get ready for a chorus of buzzing in Illinois this summer as two broods of cicadas are set to emerge, bringing an estimated trillions of the insects to the state. The periodical cicadas, known as Brood X and Brood XIX, have been underground for 13 and 17 years, respectively, and are now preparing to make their grand reappearance.

According to experts, the cicada invasion will begin in early May and peak in mid-May to early June. During this time, adult cicadas will be highly visible and active, swarming trees and other vegetation. Their deafening mating calls, which can reach up to 100 decibels, will fill the air.

While the sight and sound of cicadas may be startling, it's important to note that they are harmless to humans and animals. In fact, they play an essential role in the ecosystem by aerating the soil and providing food for birds and other wildlife.

The cicada emergence is expected to last for several weeks, with adult cicadas remaining active until mid- to late-June. However, the impact of the invasion will be felt long after they have disappeared, as their nymphs will spend the next few years underground, feeding on plant roots.

Residents of Illinois are encouraged to embrace the cicada phenomenon and enjoy the unique opportunity to witness this remarkable natural event. However, it's advisable to take precautions to protect trees and plants from potential damage caused by the nymphs.
